Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hi my name Guadalupe but you can call me Lupe. Before high school I went to Fesler junior high school. I used to live in the city of Oxnard. I lived their for mostly all my life. I was born in Ventura and moved to Santa Maria when I was in the six grade. I am fourteen but will be fifteen in October 29. Before high school I didn’t do that much homework it all got harder when i became a sophomore because when I was a freshman it was easy but now its not.
When we were in vacation I went to Oxnard to go visit my cousins. I hadn’t meet them for a while and when I got there they were happy that we got their. It was my little cousins birthday so they made a party. We eat cake and we eat carne asada. Also we went to the beach  and it was fun and the bad part was that i got a little sun burn. Then I went to my old friend house and we had a fun time. I also went to another party but I really didn’t know anyone because it was the birthday of my mom’s friend. 
In the future I want to be a mechanic or a police officer. I would like to get in Cal Poly because it is one of the best engineering school. if not then i might want to go to UC LA.  If I would go to become a police officer i would have to go to camp. I would have to work hard. I want to be a mechanic because I don’t look for a job people come to me for help on their car. Then can fix my own car. so I hope I can be one of those mechanic or police officer.

vocabulary definitions

Debunk (Prove something false)
Imminent (about to happen)
Affluent (wealthy)
Routine(ordinary, normal)
Benign (harmless)
Enlighten (to teach something new)
Malevolent (evil)
Inquire (to ask)
Perplexing (confusing)
Resilient (tough/determined)
Amend (to fix/to change)
Fickle (indecisive)
Benevolent (good)
Desist (stop doing something)
Listless (tired/lazy)
Lackluster (not impressive)
Dwindle (to reduce in number or amount)
Subtle (not obvious)
Gullible (willing to believe anything)
Erratic (unpredictable)
Condescending (conceited/talking down to someone)
Aspire (to seek to become or achieve)
Pristine (untouched/in perfect condition)
Nettle (to annoy or bother)
Hapless (unlucky)
Scrutinize (To look closely)
Domicile (home)
Clarify (to explain more clearly)
Asinine (stupid/idiotic)
Infer (to figure out without being told)
Eloquent (well-spoken)
Strife (conflict)
Plaintive (Very sad)
Flaunt (to show something off)
Distraught (emotionally upset)
Queue (a line of people or things)
Accrue (to gather over time)
Relentless (never stopping)
Leery (untrusting)
Crass (rude/vulgar/having bad manners)
Inevitable (going to happen no matter what)
Phobia (a strong fear)
Seclude(to hide away from others)
Rebuke (to criticize publically)
Notorious(famous for something bad)
Fluctuate (to change often)
Candid (honest/sincere)
Sophomoric (immature)

Inhibit (to slow or stop something from happening)
Aberrant (unusual/unexpected)
Loathe (to hate)
Prowess (exceptional skill or ability)
Incoherent (unable to be understood)
Epitaph (a headstone (or what’s written there))
Elaborate (to add more detail)(having many details)
Countenance (face/facial expression)

Antigone compare and contrast

In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone and Creon have similarities and differences. Antigone and Creon made big mistakes. Then Antigone disobeyed and buried her brother. Creon also disobeyed the gods and didn’t let Antigone go free. The conflict between Antigone and Creon are the result of both their similarities.
Antigone and Creon have many differences. Antigone is loyal to her family. Antigone says, ‘I will bury the brother I love’ (69, 774). She says that because she likes her family and wants her brother to rest in peace. Antigone is also loyal to the gods in scene 4 she says the law of the gods was that everyone gets buried when they die no matter who they are what they did.   After that She means that the gods are right and must bury her brother. Creon is loyal to state. Creon says, ‘You will give no support to whoever breaks the law’ (1, 59).  Creon says to not help anyone who breaks the law.  In scene 1 Creon also says something like Polyneices is a traitor and doesn’t deserve a burial and that no man is to touch him or say a prayer for him. He is not loyal to family because he doesn’t want to bury his own blood because he says he’s a traitor.
Antigone and Creon are similar because they have the same characteristic, which is to be proud. Antigone shows proud when she says, ‘I should have praise and honor for what in have done’ (2, 113). She says that she did the right thing and that she should be honored. When she also says something like she is not afraid of death. She shows that she would do anything for family even if it means death. She knows she is going to die and is proud for what she did. Creon is also proud when he says, ‘Go find them, then; if you must have your love. Find it in hell!’ (2,135). When he says that he is proud of saying that you are going to die and you can find love there. He also loses his patience and tells her that he has not failed to listen. He means by that is that he has done well and has done the right thing. They have the trait proud as a similarity.
Creon and Antigone deserve what they got because they disobeyed the laws of state and gods. They both ended up in bad conditions. That is the result between Creon and Antigone for their mistakes.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocabulary #5

1. He was plaintive wen his cousin died, because he hanged out with him a lot.
2. She was flaunting her new shoes, but then got dirty.
3. The guy was distraught when he had to move somewhere were he doesn't know anyone.
4. Meanwhile standing in the queue my legs started to hurt.
5. His money was accrue because his job was getting better.
6. The man fell and thought that the pain was relentless.
7. He was leery wen he lend him money, because he thought he never get paid back.
8. He was crass, because he walked through two people having a conversation with out saying anything.