Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Five Things You can do to Improve Cooking

1. Hold on to the knife properly. People who put their thumb next to their index on the side of the knife cut vegetables and thing better and faster. Also make sure that you have a good chef knife and to keep it sharp. The longer and wider the knife is the more speed, control, and confidence. When you master using the knife you will cut very fast and be able to control the knife.

2. Cook more. The more you cook the better you get. When you cook more your hand will get used to the gestures and become faster and better. Get used to the fire and everything like how it smells. Cooking is something you have to do over and over to get better at. Cook more and you can memories some recipes and create anywhere.

3.  Use accurate measurements. Make sure you have two sets of measuring cups. There are liquid measuring cups and dry measuring cups. You need to level off dry measurements and you can’t use the liquid measuring cups to level off. Make sure have the proper tools. When you measure make sure you get the right amount or the food might go wrong.

4. Boiling and Steam cooking. Boiling is a method that is to cook with water. People put their food in boiling water to get the tenderness of it.  Steaming is another method that is used to cook your food over boiling water were the steam of the boiling water cooks the the food and makes them crispy.

5. Cook different things and experiment. When you change your style and change the things that you cook it will help you make better dishes. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the food you can change the recipe and make it how you like it. And have fun cooking.
Work cited
FineCooking.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013

"Four Ways to Improve Your Cooking Skills." Heart Home Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.

Vegetarian Recipes VegKitchencom RSS. Christina, 01 Feb. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.

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